Toko Aneka Grounding

Aneka Grounding was founded in 2016 by Mr. Nano Rohyan, which is engaged in Electrical Mechanical, especially lightning rods and grounding systems. Along with the rapid development of development in Indonesia, it is directly proportional to the need for mechanical-electrical products and services, which is the main reason for Aneka Grounding to become a supplier of mechanical-electrical products and services. The products we sell are for the needs of lightning rods, grounding systems, exothermic cad welding (modern cable welding), various clamps for electricity, power cables, data cables, MCBs, and other electrical mechanical components. We also provide mechanical and electrical services such as installation, maintenance, repair, moving, testing, and others. One example is the installation of lightning rods and grounding systems. All installation services are carried out by human resources (HR) who are experts and experienced in the Mechanical Electrical field. We do this to provide maximum service for Aneka Grounding colleagues. To support the proud movement made in Indonesia, we are committed to prioritizing electrical mechanical products made locally (Indonesia). Even for accessories for electrical clamps and grounding, we have collaborated with home industries (locally made) with SNI standards.

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Aneka Grounding was founded in 2016 by Mr. Nano Rohyan, which is engaged in Electrical Mechanical, especially lightning rods and grounding systems. Along with the rapid development of development in Indonesia, it is directly proportional to the need for mechanical-electrical products and services, which is the main reason for Aneka Grounding to become a supplier of mechanical-electrical products and services.

The products we sell are for the needs of lightning rods, grounding systems, exothermic cad welding (modern cable welding), various clamps for electricity, power cables, data cables, MCBs, and other electrical mechanical components.

We also provide mechanical and electrical services such as installation, maintenance, repair, moving, testing, and others. One example is the installation of lightning rods and grounding systems.

All installation services are carried out by human resources (HR) who are experts and experienced in the Mechanical Electrical field. We do this to provide maximum service for Aneka Grounding colleagues.

To support the proud movement made in Indonesia, we are committed to prioritizing electrical mechanical products made locally (Indonesia). Even for accessories for electrical clamps and grounding, we have collaborated with home industries (locally made) with SNI standards.


Menjadi perusahaan terpercaya dan terbesar di Indonesia yang menyediakan produk dan jasa dalam bidang mekanikal elektrikal, berfokus pada penangkal petir dan grounding sistem.


1. Menyediakan produk terlengkap mekanikal elektrikal khususnya penangkal petir dan grounding sistem. 2. Memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi semua relasi yang bekerja sama dengan Aneka Grounding 3. Memberikan solusi terbaik yang beracuan pada kebutuhan proyek calon pembeli 4. Menjalankan respon yang cepat untuk para semua pembeli 5. Membangun relasi yang baik untuk pembeli yang sudah bekerja sama dengan Aneka Grounding 6. Menyediakan SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) yang profesional dan berpengalaman pada bidang mekanikal elektrikal 7. Mengembangkan sayap dengan cara menyediakan produk mekanikal elektrikal selain kebutuhan penangkal petir dan grounding sistem 8. Memberikan harga yang bersahabat bagi pembeli


Aneka Grounding merupakan salah satu solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan mekanikal elektrikal proyek Anda. Kami menyediakan produk dan jasa seputar mekanikal elektrikal seperti:


Tersedia berbagai macam pilihan penangkal petir dari jenis elektrostatis seperti KURN, VIKING, Thomas, Flash Vectron, Evo Fanklin, dll. Hingga penangkal petir jenis konvensional seperti splitzen dari bahan tembaga / copper, bonded, dengan ukuran yang bervariasi.

Tersedia juga aksesoris pendukung untuk pemasangan penangakal petir seperti FRP, reduser, teplon, dll.


Aneka Grounding menjual semua barang yang dibutuhkan untuk grounding sistem seperti copper rod / arde, kabel grounding (BC, BCC, dll), aneka klem grounding (cincin, shock / coupler rod, dll), dan aksesoris kebutuhan grounding lainnya.

Semua produk untuk grounding sistem terdapat banyak pilihan dari material hingga ukuran.


AG menjual semua kelengkapan exothermic cad welding dari cetakan / moulding, bubuk mesiu, flint gun, cleaning brush / pmebersih sambungan, hingga handle moulding. Tersedia dari berbagai macam merek lokal dan import seperti INDOWELL, KUMWELL, ERICO, dll.


Tersedia berbagai macam jenis produk kabel seperti kabel BC (Bare Copper), NYY, NYA / BCC, NYM, Coaxial, dll. Untuk ukuran kabel lengkap dari 1 core/inti hingga 4 core/inti. Ukuran dari 0,75 mm2 hingga ukuran kabel 630 sqmm / mm2.


Kami menyediakan aneka klem lengkap seperti klem kabel, klem grounding, klem penangkal petir, dll. Salah satu clamp yang Kami jual seperti klem kuku macan, klem cincin, klem pararel kabel, klem TEE, coupler, dll.

Untuk material dan ukuran klem bisa request sesuai kebutuhan proyek Anda


Selain produk diatas, banyak sekali produk yang di jual oleh Aneka Grounding. Seperti produk aksesor panel, MCB, MCCB, Arrester, kabel ties, dan produk lainnya


Pasar Kenari Lama Lantai 2 AKS No 103. Jl. Salemba Raya, Jakarta Pusat Jakarta Pusat 10430
DKI Jakarta , Indonesia
